Movie Quips: Avatar, Christmas movies and arthouse gold

Movie Quips: Avatar, Christmas movies and arthouse gold

Movie Quips: Avatar, Christmas movies and arthouse gold

Wondering what to watch for the next movie night? Look no further!

Archit - Moonshot

Cute romcom with a fun concept, apart from some rushed plot points - worth a watch.

Mihailo - Love Actually

best Christmas movie by far!

Tanmay - Avatar: Way of Water

3 hours long with no break, skip the 3D version if you donโ€™t want a headache.

Surya - Do Revenge

Wanted something light hearted to watch where I could switch my brain off and it was actually better than expected!

Jake - Pineapple Express

A dumb fun stoner movie, and somewhere in there is something about male friendship. I think.

Kelly - The Fabelmans

A sweet coming of age loosely based on the Spielberg's family and upbringing - but now im really craving the Universal Studious Hollywood backlog tour.

Zoe - Crazy Stupid Love

I enjoy a sad Steve Carrell.

Maura - Where the Crawdads Sing

For a woman nicknamed 'Swamp Girl' her hair was a soft beacy wave and it took me out of the movie.

Shivani - Something from Tiffany's

A christmas romcom that is easy and just the right amount of cheesy

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