Movie Quips: Girl power, killer girls, and killer classics

Movie Quips: Girl power, killer girls, and killer classics

Movie Quips: Girl power, killer girls, and killer classics

Wondering what to watch for the next movie night? Look no further!

Marina - West Side Story

This is one of the few movie remakes that live up to the original! P.S. bring lots of tissues 😿

Ryan - Enola Holmes 2

Love everything about this movie. From the story to the breaking of the fourth wall it's a fun and entertaining watch

Shashika - Killer Sally

Don't mess with a woman's heart

Soujanya - Notting Hill

Julia Roberts’s character in Notting Hill is a fuckboi that we all need to stay the hell away from

Teddy - Enola Holmes 2

Holmes, Holmes, and Holmes strike again

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